About Me

Coach, Facilitator, Trainer

Skills assessment Consultant


I don't fail, I learn.

N. Mandela

I'm Laetitia!

Since i was a child, I’ve always traveled extensively. Initially, I moved to the French overseas departments with my parents. Later I studied in Australia and Canada, and I’ve also embarked on a world tour spanning all continents.

Professionally, I started as a business intelligence consultant in a small company, before transitioning to a large French corporation where I held different roles in international teams and projects management. Additionally, I enjoy writing across diverse topics and formats, from fantasy short stories to IT manuals.

Why am I telling you that?

Because there is a guiding principle in my journey, it leads me to coaching, facilitation, and training. Indeed, beneath all my professional and personal experiences, two key elements resonate: curiosity (about topics, countries, and people) and a desire to assist individuals and teams in achieving their personal or professional goals.
20 years of professional experience
50 Countries visited
7 different positions held
Last update : february 2024
In short

The ingredients of my atypical profile


'Jack of all trades'

Projects spanning multiple sectors and functions

Experience ranging from very small to very large companies


Continuously undergoing training to enhance the quality of support

In a profession so closely connected to Humanity, continuous training is essential for personal growth and for adapting tools to better support clients. Beyond the training sessions themselves, what truly matters are the bridges I build across these learnings.
See all my trainings on LinkedIn

Here are a few examples of the trainings I have attended in 2023 :

Team Coaching
This training organized by Coaching Ways was a revelation for me. It helped me validate my extensive experience working with numerous teams in roles such as Project Manager, Scrum Master, and Facilitator. I had the opportunity to challenge some of my existing tools and discover new ones as well.
Skill assessment consultant
I was seeking to enrich my individual support offerings, and I attended a training session organized by SunnySide API. I learned how to integrate coaching into skills assessments while adhering to legal requirements related to the topic.
Agile @Scale
I have been an Advanced Scrum Master and an Agile Coach for several years, and one of the challenges I face is scaling Agile practices within large companies. Given the diversity of approaches, my initial goal was to develop a neutral understanding of what Agile at scale entails. My objective is to remain flexible so that I can propose the best approach to clients based on their specific context, rather than asking them to adapt to a predefined method.
I received training on utilizing Ikigai in coaching from my-ikigai.ch. From its Japanese origins to its adaptation in Western contexts, this session provided me with insights into understanding Ikigai and how to effectively apply it in life coaching, transition coaching, and skill assessment missions.
My Values

Values are the meaning we give to life.

J-P. Sartre
Individual or company, I assure each client of the same level of service, engagement, and professionalism to effectively meet their needs.
Open Mind
In a world that is increasingly difficult to navigate, I promise my clients an open and compassionate listening ear. Understanding their perspectives and challenges allows me to propose tailored approaches to meet their needs effectively.
Because authenticity, honesty, and transparency are essential in understanding one’s own limitations, strengths, and weaknesses, I assure my clients of a relationship built on these principles.

My convictions

Ethical vision

As a Professional Coach, Agile Coach, or Facilitator, our collaboration will thrive on the trustworthy connection we build together.

As a professional coach, I adhere to the code of ethics set forth by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), of which I am a member. The key principles that guide me include:

  • Respecting confidentiality: During coaching sessions, I pledge to uphold strict confidentiality as defined by legislation and regulations such as GDPR in case management. This includes safeguarding sensitive information such as internal company data or innovative ideas generated in workshops.

  • Understanding personal limits: I am aware of my own boundaries and recognize situations that may require external support or supervision. I am committed to seeking assistance when necessary to ensure the highest standards of professionalism and effectiveness in my practice.


The term “Coach” is used in various contexts, including sports and organizational settings like house ordering. Personally, I am a Professional Coach certified by the French “Registre National des Certifications Professionnelles”.

To navigate through the diverse types of coaching, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) serves as an essential association that unites professional coaches worldwide. The ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by promoting its merits, defining best-in-class standards (such as the 8 core competencies), establishing a certification process, and upholding a professional code of ethics.

By becoming a member of the ICF, I demonstrate my alignment with their values, adherence to their rules, and support for their initiatives in promoting excellence within the coaching industry.

My social and environmental committment

I firmly believe that every action matters. Therefore, even as a small company, we can take steps to support social and environmental causes.

FaciliCoach regularly donates to organizations in the health sector (Ligne nationale contre le cancer), animal protection (Zoo-Refuge La Tanière), and social support (Restos du Coeur). However, donations are just the visible part of our efforts!

To further my commitment, I have decided to take the following actions:

  • Use business cards made from recycled paper.
  • Specify in website requirements that it should achieve a rating of A on the ecoindex, which measures environmental impact.
  • Regularly clean out my mailbox.
  • Promote circular economy by purchasing second-hand reference books and selling them when no longer needed.
  • Prefer train travel over using a car for commuting.
  • Share my expertise pro bono to support individuals through dedicated associations like Second Souffle and Coach Around The World.

There are many more improvements I could make, but I feel that these steps contribute, in my own small way, to creating a better world.

My convictions

Ethical vision

As a Professional Coach, Agile Coach, or Facilitator, our collaboration will thrive on the trustworthy connection we build together.

As a professional coach, I adhere to the code of ethics set forth by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), of which I am a member. The key principles that guide me include:

  • Respecting confidentiality: During coaching sessions, I pledge to uphold strict confidentiality as defined by legislation and regulations such as GDPR in case management. This includes safeguarding sensitive information such as internal company data or innovative ideas generated in workshops.

  • Understanding personal limits: I am aware of my own boundaries and recognize situations that may require external support or supervision. I am committed to seeking assistance when necessary to ensure the highest standards of professionalism and effectiveness in my practice.


The term “Coach” is used in various contexts, including sports and organizational settings like house ordering. Personally, I am a Professional Coach certified by the French “Registre National des Certifications Professionnelles”.

To navigate through the diverse types of coaching, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) serves as an essential association that unites professional coaches worldwide. The ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by promoting its merits, defining best-in-class standards (such as the 8 core competencies), establishing a certification process, and upholding a professional code of ethics.

By becoming a member of the ICF, I demonstrate my alignment with their values, adherence to their rules, and support for their initiatives in promoting excellence within the coaching industry.

My social and environmental committment

I firmly believe that every action matters. Therefore, even as a small company, we can take steps to support social and environmental causes.

FaciliCoach regularly donates to organizations in the health sector (Ligne nationale contre le cancer), animal protection (Zoo-Refuge La Tanière), and social support (Restos du Coeur). However, donations are just the visible part of our efforts!